¿QPM? Season 6 is here! ¡Escucha!

Season 6 of ¿QPM? explores how Latinx in the Midwest are recovering from Covid-19 en muchas areas; including economic recovery, salud física y mental, education, unemployment, y mucho más.

This pandemic was in many ways devastating for communities of color. Ahora que hay más de una vacuna disponible and more employers are hiring again, we talk to Latinx in the Midwest about how they are recovering after months of experiencing this pandemic.  

Stay tuned for stories about being pregnant during esta pandemia, Latinx college students struggling with classes and salud mental por todos los cambios este pasado año, the lack of bilingual vaccine information in one Midwestern state, how churches are stepping in to help fight misinformation about the virus, y mucho más. 

Listen to season 6 of QPM!


¿Qué Pasa, Midwest? Recibió el Tercer Edward R. Murrow Award


¿QPM? S6 EP 1: What pregnancy during COVID-19 looks like for undocumented or unemployed women