¿QPM? S3 EP 5: An artist's mental health

The month of May is Mental Health Awareness Month and what better way to create conciencia acerca de la estabilidad mental than to talk to an artist about how his journey to finding stability and balance within his mental health has taken him through dark moments and to seek professional help.

In a phone conversation, Miguel, one of three members of the band Migrant Kids, nos dice que things like the thought of the Mexico-US border wall being built takes a toll on his mind, how growing up Latino in this country can be confusing and how not taking a political stance is almost inevitable in today’s social climate

Migrant Kids’s next album drops July 26th!

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¿QPM? S3 EP 4: A conversation about old and new Latino music, musical crossovers and music history.


¿QPM? S3 EP 6: A conversation of music as a universal language and white privilege