¿QPM? S4 EP 6: A wire between borders. How everything that happens at the US-Mexico border affects the Midwest.
This episode comes from outside the Midwest pero decidimos hacerlo because everything that happens at the US-Mexico border affects the entire country, incluyendo el medio oeste.
Por ejemplo, in an interview with National Geographic the attorney who heads Defenders of Wildlife conservation programs, said that “Whatever they build, it’s going to be destructive to natural habitat.” Tambien, with Mexico being the third-largest trading partner of the United States many fear that this could create a trade war, and stories of farmers forced to let crops rot due to labor shortages have become more common. So, Yes, what happens at the border affects the Midwest.
Listen to this story coming from Nogales about how the US government came to this border town and put barbed wires without notice o permiso, how the residents estan resentidos and their recollection of how the border used to be when walls and wires didn’t separate them. From collaborator Angela Gervasi.

Fotos above: Sigrid Maitrejean, a retired foreign service officer, works at the Pimeria Alta Historical Society in Nogales, Arizona. Superintendent Fernando Parra of the Nogales Unified School District in Nogales, Arizona. Courtesy of Angela Gervasi.
This episode’s song is by Sones de Mexico.